Apr 13, 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The automatic transmission can seem a dark and mysterious place for many drivers, but it performs a vital function in your Acura. The transmission uses the energy the engine produces to ensure that the wheels move at the desired speed. As time passes, transmission components can wear out or suffer damage. These are a few signs that you need to visit your Acura dealer for a transmission service.

acura transmission service in doral florida
Photo by: cottonbro studio via pexels.com

Delayed Shifting

A healthy transmission shifts gears when instructed to by the transmission computer. Shifting is almost instantaneous as the new gear engages. Delayed shifting occurs when there’s a noticeable delay in the latest gear engaging. When this issue starts, it will be difficult to notice, but the delay will become longer and more obvious as time passes.

Gear shifting delays can be caused by a blocked transmission filter, damaged linkages, or a lack of transmission fluid. We’ll need to examine the transmission to identify and fix this issue. Once the problem is repaired, your transmission will shift normally again.

Stalling and Restarting

Stalling can be caused by various problems, including bad spark plugs or a fuel-rich engine. If your engine stalls and restarts, this usually indicates a transmission problem. Your engine and transmission are physically connected by the torque converter. The converter consists of the impeller, which connects to the engine, and the turbine, which connects to the transmission.

These two components are surrounded by transmission fluid, which provides the hydraulic power that allows the gears to move. The actions of the impeller and turbine pressurize the fluid. If something is wrong with either of these components, the transmission won’t work correctly to shift gears and your engine will shut down and then restart again to try and fix the issue. Our technicians will investigate the converter and repair the fault.

Check Engine Light

The check engine light illuminates in response to any issue in the engine. It will also light up if something goes wrong with the transmission. As we saw above, the engine and transmission are connected. This means that any issue affecting the performance of one will also affect the other. If the transmission isn’t working correctly, your engine will work harder to supply more energy. This increases the strain on numerous engine components.

Sensors in the transmission will detect the problem, and your computer logs this with an error code. Our technicians will use a diagnostic machine to read the error codes so they can zone on to the affected area. Once the problem is identified, they will repair it.

Transmission issues get worse over time, and they can lead to more serious damage. Contact our service department right away at Doral Acura in Doral, FL.